[Hplip-help] Only partial prints
2007-10-28 10:40:34 UTC
Hi there,

i have been googling and searching forums for a couple of weeks now but
I havenŽt found anyone with exactly this problem and I am no nearer a
solution myself. I have an HP 2710 Photosmart that has been functiong
perfectly wirelessly from a laptop (currently running Ubuntu 7.04) for
over a year. I installed HPLIP to faciliate scanning and now the printer
wonŽt print more than a third of a page before stopping. The printer
screen shows "Printing" and there it stops. For hours and hours! I have
to turn off the printer to free it up again. i have connected a
separate system also running the same OS and it works fine so its not
the printer or the printers wireless. I can scan from the laptop so I
donŽt think its the wireless on the laptop and I have removed and
reinstalled the drivers but it hasnŽt changed anything. Any ideas?

I have attached the hp check log to this file.

Thanks in advance

